Mission Bomb Fuze Pin Tag / 8th Air Force theater made in England shoulder patch for uniform or jacket / Mission list of all his mission that he flew over Germany / A letter from a friend in England after the war / Original Newspaper clippings about this man and missions that he flew (one photo shows a photo copy) // Research photo that is a photo copy of the crew /. 486th Heavy B-17 Bomb Group / 382nd Bomb Squadron / HULL's ANGELS. Pilot - Leslie Hull / Co-Pilot Bill A. Roberts / Bombardier John R Hardy / Navigator Murry Hunter /.
Flight Engineer Top Turret Vernon Halter / Radio Operator Wesley Thalender / Ball Turret Gunner Howard Lowe / Waist Gunner Bufford Addington / & our man RICHARD STEVENSON the tail gunner. 1st Mission 43-38005 Aircraft to Ludwigshafen had a mid air collision during assembly with an other B-17 43-37942. Causing all men to bail out safely. Details of this incident is in detail in 8th AF News Volume 4 No. They picked up all these me who bailed out, so all can belong to the CATERPILLAR CLUB.
Then less than a week later had them up and flying again. MISSION LIST shows that Stevenson last mission no. 33 was over Nuremburg Germany and he kept a souvenir Bomb Fuze Pin of this event / There 1st mission was going to be Ludwigshafen where they had that mid air collision. And were still credited with that mission. Went on to fly all of there mission over Germany to towns of Munster, Merseburg, Ashaffenburg, Frankfurt, Wessel, and many other towns not to mention TWO missions deep into Germany BERLIN.
I like the newspaper clippings. Very informative about this man R. We also have his pre-flight books from Kingman Army Air Field.Books are in nice shape but have picked up a bit of moisture, (not much) but pages are not crisp like a new book. The smaller photos is a nice photos of Stevenson with an other buddy in England. Stevenson is the soldier with the heavy flight jacket. Other photos are original of base and B-17 in flight.
There is quite a bit of information that you can find on this air crew. It appears that the pilot Leslie Hull kept a flight diary and you can find more information in your internet search. I have been married for 50 years, and I remember getting this in the mid 1970's. Since then all it did was sit in a drawer.
Time for someone else to ad to there collection. My mom was a Navy Wave and dad a B-24 pilot in Germany. So I guess I started picking up old military items about 50 years ago. Check my other auctions for other military items. We take extra care in packing each item so it arrives safely.