The helmet and the oxygen mask are both WWII and both are size medium and are both rare in the condition that they are in. The goggles and head mannequin are relatively common and of no great value in themselves, but I found a head mannequin that was the perfect size for this size medium helmet and size medium oxygen mask and decided that they are meant to be together for exhibit. The US AAF leather flying helmet is US Army Air Forces Type A11. It has an Army Air Forces insignia with words spelled out on the outside.
On the inside is a patch stating: Type A11. Property of AF US ARMY. The Type A11 helmet was first put into use in August 1943.It is leather doeskin lined. It is hard to find leather in such excellent condition. The US AAF oxygen mask is made by Acushnet.
Over the hose connection it states: Acushnet. Property Air Forces US Army. Under the hose it states: Acushnet- Medium.It is in excellent condition, but it is missing snaps on one side, and it is secured on the mannequin on that side by a rubber band, please look at the photo. The rubber in these masks does not tend to age well, and this piece is a rare exception. The goggles are military and state only Goggles Wind Sand Dust.
They are surely not from WWII, but they look like those that were used at the time and look great with the helmet and oxygen mask. The head mannequin is named Terry, because he looks like 1. Lt Terry Lee from "Terry and the Pirates", a cartoon strip featuring AAF aviators by Milton Caniff that ran during WWII.